My name is Samir. I’m from Morocco. I’m married with 3 children. My story with Christ started nearly 4 years ago when I received a Bible from one of my friends. I used to hear about Christianity, but I never thought I would believe in it. When I started to read the Bible, I liked the teachings and I wanted to apply them to my life.

Since his death, my father has always been in my thoughts. He used to be very tough towards me and my siblings. He abused my mother many times. Most of the people who knew him described him as a very difficult person.

One day his life was changed completely. He started doing good for everyone. He started treating us well. He showed respect to our mother. We started to notice the change in his behaviour. My father never told us the reason for this change was. We never knew the secret.

I discovered his secret years after his death. He couldn’t share his faith in Christ because our relatives were very radical. He could’ve fallen into a lot of trouble if he had announced it.

I was reading the Bible one night. I asked God and said, “Show me the way of the truth. I’m ready to follow you no matter what the way is.”

I fell asleep and dreamed of my father holding a cross in his hand. He said “My son, I found the way and the truth in Jesus Christ. He is the one who changed my life. Accept Him and give Him your life and live for Him.”

Since then I gave my life to Jesus and I’m praying for my wife to accept Him as well so that we can raise our children in a Christian environment filled with love for God and for other people too.


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