29.11.2023 10:46

من اجل المسلمين

"اصلي من اجل اختي روميساء واخي ابو زيد واخرين كثيرين لكي ينير لهم الرب الطريق ويظهر ذاته لهم ويعرفهم بنفسه لتكون لهم الحياه الابديه"

Prayed for this 13
29.11.2023 10:46

Prayer request

"Pray for Muslims converts in the Northern part of Nigeria"

Isaah David
Prayed for this 16
20.11.2023 10:08

Le Mali

""Priez pour les musulmans qui reconnaissent la Seigneurie de Jésus-Christ mais ont de donner leur vie à Jésus-Christ par crainte d'être rejeté par leurs familles et la société.""

Mohamed Ag Infa YATTARA
Prayed for this 12
20.11.2023 10:08

My Muslim friends

"Pray I have wisdom in friendship and bringing Jesus Christ to my Muslim friends. Pray with me that they know Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, They are Mir, Shokoo, Shawn, Sima, Aslan, Nasser, Ahmad, Durdana. TY"

Prayed for this 19
18.11.2023 20:42

Praying for Gaza MBBS

"Our brothers and sisters in Gaza who have come to faith in Jesus Christ from a Muslim background. We recognize the unique challenges and persecution they may face due to their faith. We ask for Your divine protection over them, for courage in the face of adversity, and for a strong sense of Your presence and peace in their lives. Strengthen their faith, provide for their needs, and use their testimonies to shine Your light in dark places. May they experience the freedom and joy that comes from knowing You, and may they be a beacon of hope to others around them. In the precious name of Jesus, we pray. Amen."

Prayed for this 32
18.11.2023 20:41

Pray for MBBs in Gaza

"Dear Lord we are praying for the MBBs in Gaza strip who suffer like millions during this hard time. Please keep them safe and show love towards all the people around them and keep them safe please Lord."

Prayed for this 31
18.11.2023 17:04

Pray for the MBB Gambia

"Pray for our brothers ex-Muslims in Gambia to be more stronger in faith, in the troubled times and hard times. Pray that the Lord will give them strength to overcome all trials."

Ebrima Kombo
Prayed for this 25
18.11.2023 15:02

Praying for unity among MBB members

"God give them positive minds and hearts that they remain in unity as children of God."

Prayed for this 29
18.11.2023 15:01

MBBs Need Whole Body of Christ Acceptance

"Thank you for your prayers that other believers in Christ Jesus will welcome us and understand our unique needs for housing, jobs, training, discipleship, and later roles in the local church"

Prayed for this 24
17.11.2023 17:41

Gebet für Suria aus Malaysia dass sie zum Glauben an Jesus Christus kommt, dass der Herr Jesus

"So sehr hat Gott die Welt geliebt, dass Er seinen einzigen Sohn gab, damit alle, die an ihn glauben nicht verloren gehen, sondern das Ewige Leben haben. Danke, Herr Jesus, dass du auch Suria retten will. Wir bitten dich, begegne dieser muslimisch erzogen Frau, die nur von dir und deiner Liebe zu ihr verändert werden kann. Erbarme dich bitte über sie um deiner Wahrheit und deines Sieges Willen. Amen"

Gertrude Götz
Prayed for this 20
17.11.2023 17:40

Begegnung mit Jesus

"Herr, unser Allmächtige Gott und Vater, wir kommen im Namen Jesus, der alle Macht hat im Himmel und auf Erden. und bitten dich, erbarme dich über Suria, der muslimischen Malayin. Erlöse sie aus der Macht des Antichristen um deines für sie vergossenen Heiligen Blutes Willen. Wir bitten dich demütig, dass du ihr begegnest und einen neuen Menschen aus ihr machst. Danke Herr, deine Liebe vermag Unvorstellbares zu tun Amen"

Gertrude Götz
Prayed for this 15
17.11.2023 17:40

pray for morocco

"pray for Moroccan believers who are feeling alone"

Prayed for this 28
17.11.2023 17:37

اضطهاد وحرب

"صلاة لاجل مدينتنا تتعرض لقصف من دولة تركيا على المدنيين والاطفال وذوي احتياجات خاصة ارجو الإتحاد في صلاة لأجل مدن شرق الفرات وشمال السوري المدن الكردية تحرق بنار الاسلاميين"

ذاني بكر
Prayed for this 16
17.11.2023 17:37

من الضيقة

"لماذا يارب تختفي وقت الضيق ؟ اسرع وأعني"

Prayed for this 14
17.11.2023 17:36

Pray for MBBs In Nigeria

"Nigeria is one of the most dangerous place to be a Christian, which makes it more difficult for Muslims to openly accept Christ. Here Missionaries to the Muslims and MBBs are in grave danger. Pray for God's hand, inner strength and protection for all involved"

Yusuf Sabo Kwabe
Prayed for this 24
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