Bob, October 17, 2020October 17, 2020, Videos, Harun Ibrahim, Naser Musa, Worship Song, 0 This amazing worship song is targeting all the Muslims Background Believers in Christ. —————Written by : Harun IbrahimComposed by : Naser Musa.
+ Prayer Videos MBB GLOBAL, November 23, 2020November 23, 2020, Videos, 0 Ron W. praying with and for MBBs
You Are Not Alone Bob, October 19, 2020October 20, 2020, Videos, Encouragement, You are not alone, 0 To all (MBBs) Christians from Islamic background, this video is for you to encourage you and to tell you...
Naser Musa. Ana Aabir أنا عابر . ناصر موسى Bob, October 9, 2020October 9, 2020, Videos, Naser Musa, 0 كلمات والحان – ناصر موسى
A Young Iranian Girl Has a Dream About Jesus Bob, September 29, 2020September 30, 2020, Videos, 0 Dreams and Visions – Listen to the actual call from an Iranian Muslim girl who had a dream about...
+ CALL TO PRAY IN FINNISH MBB GLOBAL, October 23, 2020October 23, 2020, Videos, avainmedia, niilo narhi, 0
+ Heart4Iran, calling you to pray MBB GLOBAL, November 10, 2020November 10, 2020, Videos, 0
+ A song from Brazil MBB GLOBAL, November 23, 2020November 23, 2020, Videos, 0
Yasra from Iran Bob, September 29, 2020October 9, 2020, Videos, 0 Come and listen to Yasra talking about her journey seeking God and all the events occurred during her journey.