17.11.2023 17:40
Begegnung mit Jesus
"Herr, unser Allmächtige Gott und Vater, wir kommen im Namen Jesus, der alle Macht hat im Himmel und auf Erden.
und bitten dich, erbarme dich über Suria, der muslimischen Malayin.
Erlöse sie aus der Macht des Antichristen um deines für sie vergossenen Heiligen Blutes Willen.
Wir bitten dich demütig, dass du ihr begegnest und einen neuen Menschen aus ihr machst. Danke Herr, deine Liebe
vermag Unvorstellbares zu tun Amen"
Gertrude Götz
17.11.2023 17:40
pray for morocco
"pray for Moroccan believers who are feeling alone"
17.11.2023 17:37
اضطهاد وحرب
"صلاة لاجل مدينتنا تتعرض لقصف من دولة تركيا على المدنيين والاطفال وذوي احتياجات خاصة ارجو الإتحاد في صلاة لأجل مدن شرق الفرات وشمال السوري المدن الكردية تحرق بنار الاسلاميين"
ذاني بكر
17.11.2023 17:37
من الضيقة
"لماذا يارب تختفي وقت الضيق ؟
اسرع وأعني"
17.11.2023 17:36
Pray for MBBs In Nigeria
"Nigeria is one of the most dangerous place to be a Christian, which makes it more difficult for Muslims to openly accept Christ. Here Missionaries to the Muslims and MBBs are in grave danger. Pray for God's hand, inner strength and protection for all involved"
Yusuf Sabo Kwabe
30.12.2022 08:50
Praying for those not forgotten others
"Oh Lord God, You know all and each of them and where they are, only You are able to protect, support, and comfort, for them and for their families, I am praying, in Jesus Christ mighty name, amen"
Mumtaz Ayoub
30.12.2022 08:50
Pray with me
"Praying for God to send me a life partner according to his heart."
30.12.2022 08:49
"I pray as a mbb that our children don't face same straggling in “ believers “ society as we faced and I pray that our parents accept Jesus before they die. In Jesus name. Amen."
30.12.2022 08:49
West Africa and Togo
"For Peace. S lot of instability because of Boko Haram and its allies. For food stability. A log of familles suffering from lack of food in Sahelian countries. For God's intervention in the different armies of the area."
Abou Sama
30.12.2022 08:49
Prayer for Malays
"Pray for 14 million Malays with very little access to the gospel and few MBBs. Pray for the election tomorrow in Malaysia ... for a just government and for freedom of religion for the Muslims."
18.11.2022 21:25
Prayer for children
"may God our Lord give his incredible peace upon every single child that praise his name all over the world"
18.11.2022 21:19
Praying for each and everyone of you🙏🏻🙏🏻
"Praying for each and everyone of you🙏🏻🙏🏻"
Mokhles Hanna
18.11.2022 21:09
The Pentecostal Church in Lapua, Finland
Greetings and blessings from Finland. We are just praying together. God bless mbbglobal - you are not alone!"
Lapuan Helluntaiseurakunta
18.11.2022 20:57
"For all MBBs all around the world who have willingly and freely chosen to be with Christ and accept Him as Lord and Savior, we are praying for you from the bottom of our hearts!"
18.11.2022 20:54
for MBBs
" Praying for all your children Lord, who came from Islamic background. Praying that they get freedom for the slavery of "doing" and accept your grace as a way of living."
Nevien Ibrahim