

Christians who were once Muslims face persecution and many challenges. They experience hardship, loneliness, and feel forgotten. These folks really need our prayers. Let's come together on November 18th for the Global Day of Prayer and pray for them.

264 Days until MBB Global


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نصلي من أجل كل المحتاجين بدون مأوى في هذا الطقس البارد، حتى لا يشعروا بالعزلة والبرد. نسألك يا رب من أجل الأطفال وكبار السن، أن تمنحهم الدفء والأمان. ربنا، امنحنا القوة والقدرة على المساعدة والعطاء لكل من هم في حاجة. آمين.

We pray for all those in need who are without shelter in this cold weather, that they may not feel alone and cold. We ask you, Lord, on behalf of the children and the elderly, to grant them warmth and safety. Our God, give us the strength and ability to help and give to all who are in need. Amen.
Heavenly Father, we come before You in faith, lifting up Sarah Elisabeth and Mary Bethany. We pray for Your divine healing power to eradicate their cancer at the stem cell level. By the stripes of Jesus, may they be made whole and restored. Surround them and their families with Your peace and strength during this difficult time. In Jesus' name, we ask for miracles and for Your glory to shine through their lives. Amen.
يا رب، نسألك أن تعم السلام والعدل في مدينة القدس، وأن تحمي أهلها من المعاناة، وتوفر لهم الأمان والراحة. نرفع صلواتنا للمحتاجين، ليجدوا العون والمساندة في أوقات الشدة. نطلب رحمتك ورعايتك لهم جميعًا. آمين.

Lord, we ask that you bring peace and justice to the city of Jerusalem, and protect its people from suffering, providing them with safety and comfort. We lift up prayers for those in need, that they may find support and assistance in their times of distress. We seek your mercy and care for them all. Amen.
Lord, we lift up the ongoing conflict in Israel and Gaza to You. We pray for a lasting ceasefire and for the safety and peace of all our brothers and sisters in Christ in the region. May Your divine presence bring comfort and hope to all, and may peace reign in Israel and the surrounding areas. Amen.
Herra, anna heille rakkautesi, rauha ja toivo uudessa elämässään kanssasi. Auta heitä löytämään voimaa ja lämpöä sydämissään, ja täytä heidän elämänsä ilolla ja siunauksilla. Amen.

Lord, grant them your love, peace, and hope in their new life with you. Help them find strength and warmth in their hearts, and fill their lives with joy and blessings. Amen.
Oramos por todos nossos irmãos e irmãs no mundo Muçulmano. Que Deus os abençoe com paz, amor e entendimento. Que o Senhor toque seus corações e os envolva em Sua luz. Amém.

We pray for all our brothers and sisters in the Muslim world. May God bless them with peace, love, and understanding. May the Lord touch their hearts and envelop them in His light. Amen.

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